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Pyrae::Org::Link Reference

Quick Type Reference

export interface PyraeOrgLink {
Name?: string;
RemoteOrgUrn: string;

ReceiveObjects?: boolean;

PushObjects?: boolean;

Org Links facilitate cross-organization sharing of objects. Each Org needs to create one of these objects, pointing to each other, one in the 'push' configuration and the other in the 'receive' configuration. When Organizations are linked, the Observers, Observer Matching Rules, Policies, and other entities can cross the organizational boundary. The built-in Policies are shared with your Organization thru a Pyrae-managed Organization, in which the built-in Observers and Policies are deployed.


Description: The resourceName of the URN. By default, one will be generated based on the logical ID with randomness appended to the end

Required: No

Location: $.PyraeOrgLink.Name

Type: export type Name = string;


Description: This is the Org URN to which we wish to establish a link.

Required: Yes

Location: $.PyraeOrgLink.RemoteOrgUrn

Type: export type RemoteOrgUrn = string;


Description: This flag determines whether the current organization should receive objects such as Observers from the remote organization.

Required: No

Location: $.PyraeOrgLink.ReceiveObjects


/** This flag determines whether the current organization should receive objects such as Observers from the remote organization. */
export type ReceiveObjects = boolean;


Description: This flag determines whether the current organization should push objects such as Observers into the remote organization.

Required: No

Location: $.PyraeOrgLink.PushObjects


/** This flag determines whether the current organization should push objects such as Observers into the remote organization. */
export type PushObjects = boolean;

JSON Schema

"$ref": "#/definitions/PyraeOrgLink",
"definitions": {
"PyraeOrgLink": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Name": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "string"
"description": "The resourceName of the URN. By default, one will be generated based on the logical ID with randomness appended to the end"
"RemoteOrgUrn": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "string"
"description": "This is the Org URN to which we wish to establish a link."
"ReceiveObjects": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "This flag determines whether the current organization should receive objects such as Observers from the remote organization."
"PushObjects": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "This flag determines whether the current organization should push objects such as Observers into the remote organization."
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false,
"description": "Org Links facilitate cross-organization sharing of objects. Each Org needs to create one of these objects, pointing to each other, one in the 'push' configuration and the other in the 'receive' configuration. When Organizations are linked, the Observers, Observer Matching Rules, Policies, and other entities can cross the organizational boundary. The built-in Policies are shared with your Organization thru a Pyrae-managed Organization, in which the built-in Observers and Policies are deployed."
"$schema": ""