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Pyrae::IAM::Team Reference

Quick Type Reference

export interface PyraeIAMTeam {
Name?: string;
ParentTeamUrn?: string;


A team represents a group of users, called members, associated through Pyrae::IAM::TeamMembershipRule. It can own several bundles and belong to a hierarchical structure with one parent Team, mirroring real-world organizational structures.


Description: The resourceName of the URN. By default, one will be generated based on the logical ID with randomness appended to the end

Location: $.PyraeIAMTeam.Name

Type: export type Name = string;


Description: The URN of the team that is the parent of your team

Location: $.PyraeIAMTeam.ParentTeamUrn

Type: export type ParentTeamUrn = string;

JSON Schema

"$ref": "#/definitions/PyraeIAMTeam",
"definitions": {
"PyraeIAMTeam": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Name": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "string"
"description": "The resourceName of the URN. By default, one will be generated based on the logical ID with randomness appended to the end"
"ParentTeamUrn": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "string"
"description": "The URN of the team that is the parent of your team"
"additionalProperties": false,
"description": "A team represents a group of users, called members, associated through Pyrae::IAM::TeamMembershipRule. It can own several bundles and belong to a hierarchical structure with one parent Team, mirroring real-world organizational structures."
"$schema": ""