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Pyrae::Integration::Integration::Base Reference

Quick Type Reference

export interface PyraeIntegrationIntegrationBase {
Name?: string;
OwnerTeamUrn: string;

AllowSubteamDerivations?: boolean;
IntegrationType: string;
MetadataJson?: string;


A base integration is an optional sub-object from which other Integrations can be derived. A typical use of a Base Integration is for central management of credentials, enabling your Teams to create their own derived Integrations without duplicating those credentials.


Description: The resourceName of the URN. By default, one will be generated based on the logical ID with randomness appended to the end

Required: No

Location: $.PyraeIntegrationIntegrationBase.Name

Type: export type Name = string;


Description: The URN of the Team that owns this Resource and is responsible for any violations arising from the Resource.

Required: Yes

Location: $.PyraeIntegrationIntegrationBase.OwnerTeamUrn

Type: export type OwnerTeamUrn = string;


Description: This field is currently unused. You can safely omit it. It will likely later be used to prevent downstream teams from modifying fields set by the base

Required: No

Location: $.PyraeIntegrationIntegrationBase.AllowSubteamDerivations


/** This field is currently unused. You can safely omit it. It will likely later be used to prevent downstream teams from modifying fields set by the base */
export type AllowSubteamDerivations = boolean;


Description: Valid values are 'SLACK', 'SNS', 'OPSGENIE'

Required: Yes

Location: $.PyraeIntegrationIntegrationBase.IntegrationType

Type: export type IntegrationType = string;


Description: A JSON object to contain data specific to the integration, which will be passed to the integration handler. Eg, the slack token will be provided in this.

Required: No

Location: $.PyraeIntegrationIntegrationBase.MetadataJson

Type: export type MetadataJson = string;

JSON Schema

"$ref": "#/definitions/PyraeIntegrationIntegrationBase",
"definitions": {
"PyraeIntegrationIntegrationBase": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Name": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "string"
"description": "The resourceName of the URN. By default, one will be generated based on the logical ID with randomness appended to the end"
"OwnerTeamUrn": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "string"
"description": "The URN of the Team that owns this Resource and is responsible for any violations arising from the Resource."
"AllowSubteamDerivations": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "This field is currently unused. You can safely omit it. It will likely later be used to prevent downstream teams from modifying fields set by the base"
"IntegrationType": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "string"
"description": "Valid values are 'SLACK', 'SNS', 'OPSGENIE'"
"MetadataJson": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "string"
"description": "A JSON object to contain data specific to the integration, which will be passed to the integration handler. Eg, the slack token will be provided in this."
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false,
"description": "A base integration is an optional sub-object from which other Integrations can be derived. A typical use of a Base Integration is for central management of credentials, enabling your Teams to create their own derived Integrations without duplicating those credentials."
"$schema": ""