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Object: User

What is this object and why do I care about it?

The User object represents a real person who can log in to the Pyrae UI.

Users can become a member of a Team when a Team Membership Rule matches the user. Users may be in multiple teams.

Almost all attributes of the user are optional. Strictly, the optional fields can all be omitted.

Fields only provide value if they are used in Team Membership Rules. For example, if you provide the manager username of every user, you can write a membership rule for "all reports of X manager."


  1. A Root user is created when an org is provisioned, and cannot be created, deleted, or deactivated.
  2. "Self-Managed Users" can be created/updated/deleted thru OrgFormation


Pyrae::IAM::SelfManagedUser Reference


Type: "Pyrae::IAM::SelfManagedUser"
Name: "MyResource" # optional
Emails: # optional
FirstName: "Jane" # optional
LastName: "Doe" # optional
JobTitle: "Engineer" # optional
Username: "jane.doe" # optional
ManagerUsername: "the.boss" # optional
DirectoryGroups: # optional
- GroupId: "12345"
GroupName: "Engineers"

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