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Use Case for VPC Endpoint Unused Traffic Detection

  1. Configure VPC Endpoint Unused Traffic Detection
  2. Use Case for VPC Endpoint Unused Traffic Detection
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage VPC Endpoint Unused Traffic Detection BYTES_PROCESSED_BELOW_THRESHOLD
    2. Triage VPC Endpoint Unused Traffic Detection NEW_CONNECTIONS_BELOW_THRESHOLD

VPC Endpoint Unused Traffic Detection Policy

This policy identifies unused AWS VPC Endpoints by analyzing traffic over a specified period. It focuses on Private Link endpoints and reports any with zero connections or bytes processed.


  • inactivityPeriodDays: Number of days to analyze for traffic. Defaults to 30.
  • bytesProcessedThreshold: The threshold for the BytesProcessed metric, indicating inactivity when equaled or undershoot. Defaults to 0.
  • newConnectionsThreshold: The threshold for the NewConnections metric, indicating inactivity when equaled or fallen below. Defaults to 0.

Violation Types

  • BYTES_PROCESSED_BELOW_THRESHOLD: Indicates that an endpoint's BytesProcessed metric is equal to or below the set threshold.
  • NEW_CONNECTIONS_BELOW_THRESHOLD: Indicates that an endpoint's NewConnections metric falls below the set threshold.