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Triage VPC Endpoint Unused Traffic Detection BYTES_PROCESSED_BELOW_THRESHOLD

  1. Configure VPC Endpoint Unused Traffic Detection
  2. Use Case for VPC Endpoint Unused Traffic Detection
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage VPC Endpoint Unused Traffic Detection BYTES_PROCESSED_BELOW_THRESHOLD
    2. Triage VPC Endpoint Unused Traffic Detection NEW_CONNECTIONS_BELOW_THRESHOLD

Triage Guide: Bytes Processed Below Threshold

0) Understand Why should I care about fixing this issue?

  • Unused VPC Endpoints may incur unnecessary costs. 1) Validate How am I sure that this alert is true and accurate?
  • Review the CloudWatch BytesProcessed metric. Retrieve it manually from CloudWatch in the AWS Console. Does this policy scan on a schedule or is it Reactive?
  • It scans on a schedule, every 12 hours. 2) Triage What is the impact if it is unfixed?
  • Continued cost incurring for unused services. Does this problem get worse over time if it is unaddressed?
  • It could lead to higher unnecessary spend over time. Can remediation cause outages or downtime to any other running service?
  • Unlikely, as the endpoint is unused. 3) Act What do I do to fix this alarm?
  • Investigate if the VPC Endpoint is indeed inactive and consider decommissioning it. 4) Reflect What should I do if this alarm wasn't a good use of time?
  • Adjust the thresholds or increase the inactivity period.