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Use Case for AWS RDS DB Instances should have deletion protection enabled

  1. Configure AWS RDS DB Instances should have deletion protection enabled
  2. Use Case for AWS RDS DB Instances should have deletion protection enabled
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage AWS RDS DB Instances should have deletion protection enabled ENHANCED_MONITORING_NOT_ENABLED

When should I use AWS RDS Enhanced Monitoring?

Use AWS RDS Enhanced Monitoring for databases requiring OS-level metrics to be real-time and high-resolution for alerting and accurate performance tuning. Although it introduces additional costs and resource consumption, its benefits generally justify the tradeoffs in production environments.

Benefits of using AWS RDS Enhanced Monitoring

  1. Detailed OS-level metrics: Enhanced Monitoring delivers real-time high-resolution (1 second to 5 minutes) operating system-level metrics on CPU, memory, file system, disk I/O, and more. (OS metrics in Enhanced Monitoring, Differences between CloudWatch and Enhanced Monitoring metrics).
  2. Broad engine support: Enhanced Monitoring is available for MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL, covering a wide range of database engines (source: Amazon RDS User Guide - Enhanced Monitoring Availability).

Cons of using AWS RDS Enhanced Monitoring

  1. Additional cost: Enhanced Monitoring incurs extra charges based on the number of monitored DB instances and monitoring frequency. Higher monitoring frequency result in increased data transfer and storage costs (What impact does Enhanced Monitoring have on my monthly bills?, Cost of Enhanced Monitoring).
  2. Performance impact: The monitoring software consumes a small amount of CPU, memory, and I/O resources, making it more suitable for medium or larger instances (Which instance types are supported by Enhanced Monitoring?).
  3. Unsupported instance class: Enhanced Monitoring is not available for the t1.micro and m1.small instance classes (Which instance types are supported by Enhanced Monitoring?).