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Triage SQS Queue No Messages Received QUEUE_NO_MESSAGES_RECEIVED

  1. Configure SQS Queue No Messages Received
  2. Use Case for SQS Queue No Messages Received
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage SQS Queue No Messages Received QUEUE_NO_MESSAGES_RECEIVED


This violation indicates that an SQS queue is receiving no messages but has messages being sent to it, which can incur costs and point to a misconfiguration.


Check the NumberOfMessagesReceived and NumberOfMessagesSent using AWS CloudWatch metrics. The policy is evaluated on a scheduled basis every 6 hours.


Unused queues can incur costs. If left unaddressed, this issue is unlikely to resolve itself. Remediation does not affect other services.


Investigate message producers and intended receivers. Adjust the system design or remove the queue if it's no longer needed.


If this alert was not valuable, consider adjusting the messagesSentThreshold or disabling the policy for specific queues.