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Use Case for AWS Lambdas should leverage ARM instances

  1. Configure AWS Lambdas should leverage ARM instances
  2. Use Case for AWS Lambdas should leverage ARM instances
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage AWS Lambdas should leverage ARM instances ARM_DISABLED

When should I use arm64 instead of x86_64 with AWS Lambda?


  1. arm64 is 20% cheaper per billed millisecond than x86_64[1]
  2. arm64 is 19% faster compute than x86_64, generally lowering execution times[1]

So it costs less per unit of time, and your program probably runs in less time. This can be especially impactful for compute-intensive workloads.


  1. Your application and it's dependencies must be compatible and built for arm64.
    1. This implies a redeployment, which may not be worth it for low execution volume Lambdas.
  2. Some applications may perform slower, but most won't, especially simple Lambdas.

[1] - According to Amazon : AWS Lambda Functions Powered by AWS Graviton2 Processor – Run Your Functions on Arm and Get Up to 34% Better Price Performance