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Triage Idle AWS EFS File System Detector EFS_INACTIVITY

  1. Configure Idle AWS EFS File System Detector
  2. Use Case for Idle AWS EFS File System Detector
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage Idle AWS EFS File System Detector EFS_INACTIVITY

Triage Guide for EFS Inactivity

0) Understand: Inactive EFS File Systems incur costs without being used, so addressing this issue can help save on unnecessary expenses.

1) Validate: Check the ClientConnections metric in CloudWatch to confirm inactivity. Data is retrieved via CloudWatch API, and the policy runs every 12 hours reactively based on CloudWatch data.

2) Triage: Continued inactivity might indicate wasted resources. If unaddressed, the file system might accrue costs without being useful. Decommissioning inactive EFS does not impact other services unless there are hidden dependencies.

3) Act: Verify that data on the EFS is no longer needed, then proceed to decommission or archive it.

4) Reflect: If false alarms are frequent, consider increasing the inactiveDaysThreshold. If the policy is not useful, it can be disabled.