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Use Case for GWLB Low Usage Detector

  1. Configure GWLB Low Usage Detector
  2. Use Case for GWLB Low Usage Detector
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage GWLB Low Usage Detector LOW_BYTES_PROCESSED

Why Use the GWLB Low Usage Detector Policy?

This policy helps to identify when an AWS Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB) is processing fewer bytes than expected, which might indicate underutilization or configuration issues. It is particularly useful for cost optimization and ensuring that resources are right-sized for their workloads.


  • Cost Optimization: Detects potential over-provisioning of Gateway Load Balancer resources.
  • Configuration Awareness: Helps ensure GWLBs are configured correctly, according to expected usage patterns.


  • False Positives: Might flag GWLBs with legitimate low traffic periods.
  • Environmental Factors: Does not account for external influences that might explain low usage.

How It Works This policy calculates the average bytes processed per day by a specific GWLB over a defined number of days. If this average falls below a user-specified threshold, it triggers an alert.


  • byteThreshold (default 0): The minimum average bytes per day that the GWLB should process before it is considered to be underutilized.
  • days (default 30): The number of days over which the average bytes processed is calculated.

Each violationTypeId corresponds to an observed usage pattern that may indicate underutilization of the GWLB.

  • LOW_BYTES_PROCESSED: The GWLB has processed an average number of bytes per day below the threshold.