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Triage EBS Snapshot Archival Recommendation SNAPSHOT_ELIGIBLE_FOR_ARCHIVAL

  1. Configure EBS Snapshot Archival Recommendation
  2. Use Case for EBS Snapshot Archival Recommendation
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage EBS Snapshot Archival Recommendation SNAPSHOT_ELIGIBLE_FOR_ARCHIVAL


The snapshot is eligible for archival, suggesting possible cost savings by moving it to a cheaper storage tier.


Ensure this alert is accurate by confirming the snapshot's age and its status as the newest for the volume through AWS EC2 console or CLI commands. The policy is not reactive and runs daily.


Unaddressed, you may incur higher storage costs unnecessarily. There's no immediate impact on running services when archiving; however, consider retrieval times from archival.


Archive the snapshot via AWS Management Console or CLI.


If the alert is not useful, consider adjusting the age threshold (define minAgeInDays in vars) or disabling the policy if archival doesn't align with your use case.