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Triage AWS CloudWatch LogGroups should have a finite retention LOG_RETENTION_NO_LIMIT

  1. Configure AWS CloudWatch LogGroups should have a finite retention
  2. Use Case for AWS CloudWatch LogGroups should have a finite retention
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage AWS CloudWatch LogGroups should have a finite retention LOG_RETENTION_NO_LIMIT

Why should I care about fixing this issue?

To understand how to evaluate the correct log retention for your use-case, read our use-case page.

What is the data source for this policy?

This policy relies on a call to logs:DescribeLogGroups. If the response does not contain the property retentionInDays, then a violation is opened by the policy.

Does this policy scan on a schedule? If so, when?

No, it's triggered when changes to matching resources are detected.

How do I set a retention policy using AWS Console?

How do I set a retention policy using CloudFormation?


Note that the field is not required and the default value is unlimited.

 Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup
+ RetentionInDays: 365

How do I set a retention policy using Terraform?


Note that the field is not required, may not be present, and the default value is 0 (unlimited).

 resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_group" "example" {
- retention_in_days = 0
+ retention_in_days = 365

How do I set a retention policy using AWS CLI?


 aws \
logs put-retention-policy \
--log-group-name /example/log/group \
+ --retention-in-days 365

When is it appropriate to mark this violation as "by design"?

To understand how to evaluate the correct log retention for your use-case, read our use-case page.