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Use Case for Check AWS Classic Load Balancer Low Traffic

  1. Configure Check AWS Classic Load Balancer Low Traffic
  2. Use Case for Check AWS Classic Load Balancer Low Traffic
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage Check AWS Classic Load Balancer Low Traffic LOW_BYTES_PROCESSED

Check AWS Classic Load Balancer Low Traffic

When managing AWS Classic Load Balancers, it is important to ensure that they are effectively utilized to justify their operational cost. This policy checks whether a given Classic Load Balancer has processed an unusually low number of bytes over a specified period.


  • Identifies underutilized resources, which may indicate a need for scaling down or optimizing usage.
  • Helps to avoid unnecessary costs from overlooked or forgotten load balancers that are no longer in heavy use.


  • May flag load balancers legitimately experiencing temporary low traffic.

Variables and Default Values:

  • bytesPerDayThreshold: Average number of bytes per day considered normal. Default is 0 bytes/day.
  • daysToCheck: The lookback period in days for traffic analysis. Default is 30 days.

By adjusting these two variables, users can tailor the policy to their specific traffic patterns and operational requirements.

Violation Type Ids:

  • LOW_BYTES_PROCESSED: Indicates that the observed load balancer's traffic is below the set threshold, potentially signaling underutilization.