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Use Case for AWS RDS Outdated Instance

  1. Configure AWS RDS Outdated Instance
  2. Use Case for AWS RDS Outdated Instance
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage AWS RDS Outdated Instance OUTDATED_INSTANCE

AWS RDS Outdated Instance

Why Use This Policy

This policy helps ensure that your AWS RDS instances are using the latest and most cost-effective instance types. Outdated instance types like T2, M3, M4, M5, and T3 can be less efficient and more expensive compared to newer generation instance types.


  • Cost Optimization: By identifying outdated instance types, you can migrate to newer, more cost-effective types and reduce your cloud spending.
  • Performance Improvement: Newer instance types often offer better performance and more features, helping improve the overall performance of your RDS instances.
  • Maintenance: Ensures your infrastructure is kept up-to-date, reducing the need for urgent migrations during unexpected high-demand periods.


  • Migration Effort: Switching instance types may require planning and execution effort, potentially causing downtime.

How It Works

This policy function uses the AWS SDK to check a specific AWS RDS instance to determine if it is using an outdated instance type. Instead of querying all instances, it targets a given instance using the AWS SDK.


  • resourceUrn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the specific RDS instance to check.

Violation Types

  • OUTDATED_INSTANCE: Indicates the RDS instance is using an outdated instance type such as T2, M3, M4, M5, or T3.

Policy Function Code

The policy function code leverages the AWS SDK to describe the targeted RDS instance, retrieves the DBInstanceClass, and returns this information as an observation.

Policy Expression Code

The policy expression code evaluates the DBInstanceClass against predefined outdated types and identifies violations accordingly.