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Triage AWS RDS should use ARM Instances NON_ARM_PROCESSOR

  1. Configure AWS RDS should use ARM Instances
  2. Use Case for AWS RDS should use ARM Instances
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage AWS RDS should use ARM Instances NON_ARM_PROCESSOR



Using the Graviton2 processor in your RDS instances yields better performance and cost savings. Fixing this issue will ensure you are maximizing these benefits.


Steps to Validate:

  1. Check Data Source: Ensure the data source is correct. The policy fetches the RDS instance details using DescribeDBInstances.
  2. Manual Check: Run the describe-db-instances command using AWS CLI to confirm the processor type:

sh aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier [your-db-instance-id]

  1. Check Observance: The policy is reactive, evaluating the processor type whenever triggered.



  • Cost: Not using Graviton2 can lead to higher costs and suboptimal performance.
  • Performance: Operations on non-Graviton2 processors may be slower.

Remediation Impact:

  • Downtime: Migrating to Graviton2 may cause temporary downtime.
  • Compatibility: Ensure your application is compatible with arm64 architecture before migrating.


  1. Plan Migration: If the instance is not using Graviton2, plan a migration to an instance class that supports Graviton2.
  2. Perform Migration: Move the RDS instance to an arm64 compatible instance class, such as 'db.m6g.large'.



  • Adjust Thresholds: Ensure thresholds are suitable and adjust if migratory issues arise frequently.
  • Disable Policy: If this issue consistently proves non-impactful, consider disabling this policy.