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Triage AWS NLB Without Targets NLB_NO_TARGETS

  1. Configure AWS NLB Without Targets
  2. Use Case for AWS NLB Without Targets
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage AWS NLB Without Targets NLB_NO_TARGETS

Triage Guide for NLB_NO_TARGETS

0. Understand

Why should I care about fixing this issue?

Network Load Balancers without targets incur costs without providing any benefits. Removing these unused resources helps optimize your cloud expenses.

1. Validate

How am I sure that this alert is true and accurate?

  • Data Source: The policy uses AWS API responses from DescribeLoadBalancers, DescribeTargetGroups, and DescribeTargetHealth to gather the required data.
  • Manual Retrieval: To manually verify, use the AWS CLI or Console to fetch the details of the specific NLB and its associated target groups.

Does this policy scan on a schedule or is it Reactive? If so, when?

This policy is reactive and runs each time there is a change in the resource state.

2. Triage

What is the impact if it is unfixed?

Leaving unused NLBs running can lead to unnecessary costs. The impact grows over time as unused resources continue to incur charges.

Does this problem get worse over time if it is unaddressed?

Yes, the longer an unused NLB remains, the more unnecessary costs will accumulate.

Can remediation cause outages or downtime to any other running service?

No, deleting an unused NLB should not affect other running services, provided it truly is not in use.

3. Act

What do I do to fix this alarm?

  • Use the AWS Console or CLI to delete the NLB.
  • Ensure that any dependent services or configurations are updated to reflect the deletion.

4. Reflect

What should I do if this alarm wasn't a good use of time?

  • Review the policy settings and thresholds.
  • If this alert frequently arises for temporary states, consider adjusting the policy conditions.