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  1. Configure AWS NLB Low Traffic Policy
  2. Use Case for AWS NLB Low Traffic Policy
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage AWS NLB Low Traffic Policy LOW_BYTES_PROCESSED

Triage Guide for 'LOW_BYTES_PROCESSED'

0) Understand: This alarm indicates your AWS NLB has processed fewer bytes than expected, potentially suggesting underutilization or an issue with the service.

1) Validate: Confirm the alert by checking the CloudWatch ProcessedBytes metric for your NLB. The policy uses CloudWatch metrics on a reactive basis as configurations change.

2) Triage: Low traffic could lead to unused resources incurring costs, or indicate performance issues. It may not immediately worsen, but it's important to address for cost and performance optimization.

3) Act: Investigate the root cause of low traffic. Consider scaling down the NLB or troubleshooting potential service issues. If seasonal variation is expected, adjust the bytesThreshold variable accordingly.

4) Reflect: If this policy does not align with your operational patterns or frequently causes false positives, consider adjusting the threshold or disabling the policy for specific NLBs where applicable.