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Use Case for AWS EBS io1 Volume

  1. Configure AWS EBS io1 Volume
  2. Use Case for AWS EBS io1 Volume
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage AWS EBS io1 Volume IS_IO1_VOLUME

AWS EBS io1 Volume

This policy ensures that AWS EBS volumes are not using the outdated io1 type and recommends migrating to io2 volumes. The io2 volumes offer improved reliability and are more cost-effective, especially for volumes requiring more than 32,000 IOPS.

Pros and Cons


  • Cost-Efficiency: Migrating to io2 volumes can save costs for high-IOPS volumes.
  • Improved Reliability: io2 volumes have better performance and reliability than io1 volumes.
  • Automatic Detection: This policy automatically detects any io1 volumes in your AWS account.


  • Migration Effort: Moving from io1 to io2 may require planning and effort.

How It Works

The policy checks each specified EBS volume to determine if it uses the io1 type. If a volume is found to be of io1 type, it records an observation. The observations are then evaluated to determine if a violation has occurred.

Policy Variables

  • vars.volumeTypeDefault: Default volume type to check for; typically io1.

Violation Types


  • This violation indicates that the volume is using the io1 type, which is outdated.

Variables, Defaults, and Their Use

  • vars.volumeTypeDefault (string, default: 'io1'): Checks against this volume type.