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Use Case for AWS EBS High IOPS Volumes

  1. Configure AWS EBS High IOPS Volumes
  2. Use Case for AWS EBS High IOPS Volumes
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage AWS EBS High IOPS Volumes HIGH_IOPS_EXCEEDED

AWS EBS High IOPS Volumes


This policy monitors AWS EBS volumes of types io1 and io2 to ensure that their IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) do not exceed a defined threshold. High IOPS values on these volumes can lead to increased costs and should be regularly reviewed.

Pros and Cons


  • Helps in cost management by identifying high IOPS EBS volumes.
  • Ensures adherence to defined IOPS thresholds to avoid unexpected expenses.
  • Regular monitoring provides up-to-date compliance data.


  • Does not automate remediation; manual intervention is required.
  • Only effective if a sensible IOPS threshold is set.

How the Policy Works

This policy operates by fetching details of specific EBS volumes (provided via resource URN) and checking their IOPS against a predefined maximum threshold.


  • ebs_volume_max_iops (default: 32000): The maximum IOPS allowed for volumes.

yaml default: 32000 description: The maximum IOPS allowed for volumes. paramNum: 1

Violation Types

  • HIGH_IOPS_EXCEEDED: Raised when an EBS volume exceeds the defined ebs_volume_max_iops threshold.

Policy Details

The policy uses AWS SDK's DescribeVolumesCommand to fetch the volume details and checks the volume type and IOPS to determine any violations.

Use the following examples to understand how to configure and interpret the policy.

Example Configuration

  1. Define ebs_volume_max_iops in the configuration as appropriate for your use case.
  2. Apply the policy to monitor relevant EBS volumes.

Triaging Violations

Each violation type has a specific guide to help in addressing the issue. Refer to HIGH_IOPS_EXCEEDED in the triage guide for more information.