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Use Case for AWS ALB No Targets

  1. Configure AWS ALB No Targets
  2. Use Case for AWS ALB No Targets
  3. Triage Guides by Violation Type
    1. Triage AWS ALB No Targets NO_TARGETS_ATTACHED

AWS ALB No Targets

Why Use This Policy?

This policy is designed to identify AWS Application Load Balancers (ALBs) that do not have any attached targets. ALBs with no attached targets still incur costs, and hence, it is beneficial to delete them when they are not serving traffic to minimize unnecessary spending.


  • Cost Savings: Eliminates unnecessary spending on unused load balancers.
  • Hygiene: Keeps your AWS environment clean and well-maintained by removing orphaned resources.


  • False Positives: In rare cases, the policy may flag ALBs temporarily not attached to targets but intended to be reused shortly.

How the Policy Works?

This policy uses AWS SDK calls to inspect a given ALB for any attached targets. If no targets are attached, it flags the resource.


  • This policy does not rely on adjustable variables for its function.

Violation Types

  • NO_TARGETS_ATTACHED: Indicates that the ALB has no targets registered in any attached target groups.